Thursday, June 25, 2009

Upper Reaches Photography Paddle

This post is on behalf of NSRWA board member and talented amateur photographer Andy Hebert, who led the Upper Reaches Photography Paddle on June 20th.

Despite a wet and overcast last couple weeks, this past Saturday showed patches of blue sky and some sunshine providing a very pleasant morning for taking pictures on the upper reaches of the North River and the Herring River. The six of us started for a slow, leisurely paddle down the Indian Head River from the Hanover Canoe Launch and up the Herring River and back again.

The river is just beginning to show us the extensive wild rice beds that can be found in this section of the river that are a major attraction during the late summer and fall for various bird species. This time of the year and throughout the summer wadding birds are frequent visitors here fishing in the shallows for the small bait fish that hide amongst the grasses and water plants.

Some subjects require a little patience and a slow approach but can often be a willing model if you don't startle them as can be seen in the next few photos of a Great Egret preening and drying itself after fishing in the shallows.

During the spring the river comes alive with an infinite variety of shades of green with wonderful splashes of colors in yellows, purple, white etc. All of these wonderful photos were taken by the paddlers and are just a small sample of the great
photos taken this past Saturday.

Photo credits: #1, #6 - Susan Driscoll; #2 - Rain Rodolph; #3 - Andy Hebert; #4, #5 - Craig Bradley

1 comment:

  1. Would like to thank Andy for taking us out and for providing us with information on the wildlife and plants. I'll be back to take more photos there.

    Craig Bradley
